Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The diary of a mad pops!

The last few days have certainly been strange. My oldest son had come home but was on his way to enter the PhD program at Cal Berkeley. Shortly thereafter my youngest son arrived in Birmingham (with the world's greatest grandchild) coming from the Cal Berkeley area. I see one son leaving to study things that will make the world a better place to live and one son arriving having made my world a better place to live. I love both of my sons immensely. As any father, there are times that I wonder "what in the hell has happened to that boy I raised". And then there are other times that I see the glorious hand of God working in their lives. Both of my boys, yes, they're still my boys, are more liberal than their dad. Although, there are times I think that I surprise both of them with some "positions" I have taken as I get older.

For you see, there is a little fellow that I call my little buddy that has helped me rethink the world in which I live. For most of my life, most people would have characterized me as a fairly staunch republican. Today, I don't think any one in either of the two major parties would claim me. I am still a registered republican. But today there are some issues that are really important to me as I look at my little buddy as he toddles around my living room making mouth sounds that I proudly take responsibility for helping to teach him. I also taught him where his ears are. But I digress. As I look at the political landscape I am concerned about several things that neither of the candidates adequately address.

1. Stewardship of our environment. We, individually and collectively, must do a better job at protecting our environment. We need less idiots like Al Gore who are so wacky and off the wall that they give "protecting the environment" a bad name. Just listen to Rush. Poor old Al gives Rush to much fodder. I want my little buddy to be able to enjoy this great land of ours. We can continue to be progressive and environmentally sound, but only when it becomes a moral and ethical issue not a political one.

2. War. I know many think me to be an idealist when it comes to the subject of war. But as I watch countless young men and women die in this war and I ask for what, it makes it hard for this once hardnosed republican to justify ANY war. Yeah, I have become a pacifist. Why? Well, for me I believe that is the message of Jesus. Do I condemn those who feel otherwise? No, as contradictory as it may seem, I honor those who serve. They do so because they believe they should and I honor that belief. But as I look at my little buddy, I can't think of any political cause for which I would be willing to give him up. His life is too precious to me. I have heard people say, "What cost for freedom"? I ask, "What cost for peace?" What happen to love thy neighbor as thyself? What happened to turn the other cheek? Didn't Jesus himself ask his followers to lay down the sword. Look at the money spent and the lives that could have been saved with it rather than the lives lost with it.

3. The economy. What will be the size of the national debt when my little buddy is a young adult? Will he have the same opportunity as his pops! Not a chance in hell if we don't do something about our economy. This is where my liberal tendencies are not so liberal. I love our capitalistic system in which we live, but with a twist. What happens when we apply the Jesus principles to our economy. We certainly would take care of the less fortunate. We wouldn't turn our backs on those who serve us, even if we disagree with the cause. We wouldn't fight over alternative energy versus drilling for oil. Hell, it ain't that difficult. We drill for oil short term and do it in an environmentally safe way, while we actively pursue other sources that will allow us independence from foreign oil. We can do both, but only when we make it a nonpolitical issue but a moral issue.

4. Political Parties. I am so F&^%()& tired of our political parties. How can it be that we so many issues that they can't agree on a damn thing? What if we outlawed all political contributions and all campaigning was done on public airwaves. No contrived debates but just plain old talking about issues sitting around a table with general citizens asking the questions. Federally sponsored discussions with no paid political ads. There has to be a better way. The billions of dollars spent on winning the Presidency could be used to retire our national debt, feed the hungry, care for the sick or maybe even find a cure for AIDS.

What are the hell are we thinking? Who will I vote for? I can tell you one damn thing for sure, not OBAMA or McCain. In my opinion we do not have a choice. We have two politicians running who will say anything and everything to get elected. Nothing new here, but still the truth. I keep looking for the day when America gets so fed up with politics that kick all the bastards out and start over again. I for one will start by casting my vote for.......... You fill in the blank, my is a protest vote.



David Henson said...

Excellent post. Nothing more I could possibly add except to say B is lucky to have you raising hell in your grandpa years. :)

pops! said...

B has inspired a "new" pops!

Anonymous said...

You sound like a member of the Green Party.